With the adoption of the statute of the National Post Company in August 2016, the first practical step towards privatizing postal services was taken.
According to the requirement of this law, Communications Regulatory Authority held a tender for selecting private postal operators in the spring of 2018, and the postal ecosystem in Iran witnessed the active presence of the private sector in postal services.
With regulatory approval, the operator’s license was issued in winter 2020, in the name of “Postaval” Company. Over the years, ‘Postaval’ has created an integrated network of logistics post operators and diverse communications among these members, meaning the position of lead logistics provider (LLP) in Iran.
This leadership aims to redefine and improve the quality of logistics services by developing flexible services based on customer needs and addressing common challenges. The most important missions of Postaval are as follows:
– Helping to precisely draft and optimize regulatory processes and address the barriers caused by procedural ambiguities in contracted postal and logistics businesses
– Communicating with governing bodies outside the Ministry of Communications, such as Police, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, municipalities, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, to facilitate the operational process of postal operators in matters related to these bodies and reduce costs resulting from unclear processes
– Facilitating the presence of contracted operators in government markets and assisting private sector operators in breaking governmental monopolies in these markets
– Addressing the need for additional permits from multiple parallel institutions for postal and logistics businesses and enabling activity with a Postaval operator license
– Developing a network of logistics operators to synergize services to customers as an integrated logistics services provider (LLP)